今天經驗了一些奇蹟 在關於金錢方面的 有些好事 也有些不好事
但感覺起來 這些事情的發生 對我的生命而言
但宇宙 或源頭高我又透過一些事情讓我知道我的努力是有成效的

在今天接下來的一些閱讀 都恰好都與轉變金錢有關
現在想想 還真的挺多的 這兒提供給大家的一篇天使們所分享的價值觀
是由天使療法學苑的Ra Sha譯文 獻給各位 願你們也都能被天使們支持著

The Angels on the Economy by Doreen Virtue

Economic conditions are more affected by human beliefs and expectations, than by oil prices or political concerns. This is true for you personally, as well as for everyone globally. Your personal finances are greatly influenced by your expectations and emotions, so it’s doubly important to keep your thoughts and feelings at as high a level as possible.

The angels advise:

* Avoid any thoughts or discussions about blaming politicians, countries, or anyone else for your personal or the global economy. Placing blame upon others puts you in a victim role, energetically. This lowers your energies, and has you attract more experiences of victimization.

* If you are around someone (including a media report) who is making negative statements about money or the economy, silently (or aloud if the person is open-minded) say: “Cancel, Clear, Delete” or “In spiritual truth, we are all perfectly and abundantly supported. I now open my arms to receive and share plentifully.”

* Engage in activities that make you happy! Please don’t scrimp on hobbies or trips, but instead look at them as investments in your happiness, which is the most important influence in your personal economic conditions. When you are happy, you automatically attract and create new opportunities. Your happiness also lifts up the energies of those around you. *參加會讓你快樂的活動!請不要吝於從事你所喜愛的嗜好或旅行,可將它們視作是為你自己快樂所作的投資,而這對你個人經濟狀況能產生最重大的影響。當你是快樂時,你自然會吸引並創造新的機會。你的快樂也提昇在你周圍的人之能量。

* Affirm frequently: “God is omnipresent love, wisdom, and creativity. I am forever one with God’s grace and love. I am completely supported in all ways by the love of God. I follow my Divine guidance along pathways of giving of selfless service, and receiving the support that God offers to everyone.”

* Keep your thoughts about other people’s finances at a very high level. Frequently affirm that we are all richly abundant in all ways. Avoid any pity thoughts about anyone, but do give donations and support as you are guided.

* Don’t worry about HOW your finances will be supported or resolved. Remember that God’s creativity, wisdom, and love is boundless. Your prayers will be answered in surprising, miraculous, and unexpected ways.

* Whenever you get a strong intuitive lead to do something positive, follow it without delay! Remember that God frequently answers your prayers by giving you strong and repetitive messages to take action. These messages may come to you as an emotional or physical feeling; an idea or inspiration; a vision or dream; or words that you hear. As you follow this guidance, you co-create the answer to your prayers.

The angels say that we are already collectively seeing economic improvements which will continue into October and November. You can see and experience these improvements for yourself with faith, hope, and trust. Pray for more faith, and it is always given – I especially recommend praying for increased faith, hope, and trust as you’re falling asleep – you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel when you wake up in the morning.
天使說我們已經集體看到進入十月與十一月,經濟的狀況將越來越有改善。藉由信心、希望與信任,你會親自看到與經驗到這些經濟的改善。祈求更多的信心,而你一定會被賦予信心 的。我特別建議當你入睡時,祈求更強的信心、希望與信任,當你早上醒來,你將驚訝於你感覺真的好太多了。

I am praying on your behalf, as well.


With love and gratitude,






    Celine 蒔琳 ♥ 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()